The Discovery of the Great Gatsby
Welcome back to yet another week of fascinating conversation, and exquisite writing. :) This week in class we started to discuss an old traditional novel known as The Great Gatsby. This book is known as a classic and so far, I would definitely recommend reading it. The setting of the book takes place on Long Island, specifically on two peninsulas, East egg and West Egg. As discussed in class, the ideal of the American dream should be strongly portrayed through this novel. Already, I have noticed a connection between the American dream and the East and West Eggs. Looking at the characteristics associated with each Egg, east Egg seems to be where the original American Dream is grown, and on West Egg, people have to work for their money. East Egg, or the side with old money, has inhabitants that have money inherited over generations and generations. Everything is simple in East Egg; the buildings are huge, lined with white trim, clean areas and overall weal...