
Showing posts from February, 2017

Education at its finest

Well, this week proved to me that just because you have a 2 day vacation, it doesn't mean that you can slack off and not learn anything. In class this week we started our education unit. Right off the bat I knew this topic would be extremely controversial. There are many students who feel very strongly against the educational system and some who strongly support it. For me, however, it isn't really a huge problem. Students all throughout our school hate standardized testing with a burning passion, but I find myself being indifferent towards them. I think this has to do with the fact that I usually score highly on them, so they don;t really affect me too much. But I understand the frustration behind the ones who detest standardized testing. I am much smarter than what those tests make me out to be, and I wish there was a better way to measure the intelligence of someone. If only there could be a method for colleges to select students based off of their transcripts and not a wei...

Charity Week!!!

155k came so quickly to all students at Athens this past week. Charity week is by far the most amazing week at Athens; however, that does not stop us from excelling in our English class! :) Last week in class we discussed more variations of language and the rhetorical skills associated with them. We did a couple group responses based off of different articles that helped us further our knowledge. Also, we completed our first practice essay. The first essay topic we had was to synthesize multiple pieces into a well constructed essay. We worked with a partner to then look at other examples and critique the work of others. I got to read another essay that had a different approach than I did, but still effectively delivered its message. It opened my eyes to new ways of writing and was very helpful.

New Year, New Topics

Well, here we are again. It is now 2017 and the AP Exam is now a short 3 months away. This past week, our class has been discussing our routine for the next few months. We have discussed how rhetorical terms quizzes will be set up, how vocab will work, and how each week we will write a practice essay in preparation for the exam. Last week we also discussed different types of languages and what each tongue means. We read different kinds of articles, and the one that stuck out the most to me was the one about Chicano Spanish being different from normal Spanish. I think the reason it stuck out so much for me was due to the personal connection I made with the piece. I am Romanian and sometimes in some situations I feel more comfortable speaking English than I do Romanian. Some people might take this as an insult and say I am fake to my culture, but it is simply a preference that I have developed. In Elementary School I was actually punished once for speaking Romanian on the playground bec...