Charity Week!!!

155k came so quickly to all students at Athens this past week. Charity week is by far the most amazing week at Athens; however, that does not stop us from excelling in our English class! :) Last week in class we discussed more variations of language and the rhetorical skills associated with them. We did a couple group responses based off of different articles that helped us further our knowledge. Also, we completed our first practice essay. The first essay topic we had was to synthesize multiple pieces into a well constructed essay. We worked with a partner to then look at other examples and critique the work of others. I got to read another essay that had a different approach than I did, but still effectively delivered its message. It opened my eyes to new ways of writing and was very helpful.


  1. I'm so nervous to get our synthesis essays back, because I already know my synthesizing and time management need to be improved before the test. I had the same thing where the essay I was grading was completely different than mine, but still effective. It's interesting that we all start our with the same material and topic and end up with twenty something completely different essays.


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