More and more Education

There has always been a time in  our lives where we have felt that our teachers have been too hard on us. However, that is nothing compared to how the children are treated in China. This week in class we wrote a synthesis essay regarding the educational system in America. For me, this week the topic at hand was easy. I believe that the educational system we are in today lacks discipline. According to Source A, teachers in China push their students constantly and force them to put time and work into their assignments. Although this strategy is on the extreme side, it proves to be effective. Looking at their test scores and achievement levels, China has students that are prospering and thriving in today's economy. I really liked reading articles about this and getting another outlook on the world around me.


  1. Stephanie!! this was so nice! I am truly astonished at how China treats their students as well. I am so happy you brought his up. it is outrageous. Cannot believe that all they do is teach them about discipline and timing. that is not what education is all about.


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