Now for Femininity

This past week in class we started to discuss the topic of femininity. It was actually quite funny because a majority of our class is females, we only have about 5 boys in the whole class. But after talking about femininity and hearing everyone's point of view, I was quite interested. To start the week, we read a couple articles discussing the importance of women. one article showed how vital the women really were in a small town. It was kind of weird for me to read that article because it talked about how the men couldn't handle doing all the extra curricular activities with the kids; however, in my family, my dad does all that stuff with us. My dad is the parent who is super involved in my life, takes me to sporting events, drives me to my practices, to work, to everything. He also takes my sister to her hangouts and school. My mom works as an engineer so she doesn't have the time (or interest :) ) to come to sporting events with us or to take us to practice. My dad is the one who handles all that, so reading that article shocked me. I thought it was extremely exaggerated and the men were just trying to make it seem like something incredible because they spent one day with their kids. Also, we watched some makeup advertisement videos and those certainly got a big reaction from the class. All the videos we watched have made the woman in it a sexual object. I personally have never had a problem with such commercials because they were so common and were working for the company. It was interesting to watch all these commercials and just see what everyone thought about them.


  1. My father plays the same role in my family. I think that people need to realize that the times have changed and that women are not the only ones that should be taking all the credit for raising their children.


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